Friday, December 16, 2011

Purple Memories Scarf

This scarf was created by the ancestors,
It was created by the dinosaurs,
They are thankful to be celebrating with us.
We toast with glasses of red wine.
We are held softly in their embrace,
They whisper to us
"You must find another way to connect with us.
We are here.  We love you.
Leave our remains at peace,
Hear us, Feel us, Know us in a
new and ancient way.
We are here, and we love you."

The story of this scarf is a gentle and loving reminder of our connections with those who have passed before us.  There is a feeling here that perhaps our dependency on oil is because of our deep desire to connect with our ancestors.  The soft embrace of this scarf reminds us that our ancestors are thankful for our connections to them, and asks us to be mindful of our next steps.

This scarf will be gifted to someone on January 1st, 2012.  Click 'like' on the Healing Knits Canada page for a chance to be in the draw!  

Thank you! 
May you feel this connection deep within your bones, and know that you are in the gentle embrace of the ancestors.

Friday, December 9, 2011

The Path of Wood and Roses Scarf

When you were born and for a long time after that,
It is easy to see the path that you are on because
your grandparents and your parents have woven your path for you.
Your Grandmothers and your Mother walk a pink and brown path
of Roses and Wood.
This is the path that they have begun to lay for you.
There comes a time when you move forward on the path
that has been woven for you and you begin to choose a new path.
When you begin to choose a new path there will be many things
 that will distract you.
Things may begin to look different, they may even be a little confusing.
You may not be able to see how this or that connects in with 
your life.
Sometimes you will see sparkly things along the way that are 
off of your path, and these sparkly things may call you to
leave your path.
Always know that even if the path looks different, even if you have made new choices, 
even if you become distracted,
when you look down to see the colour beneath your feet,
the colours of you Grandmothers and your Mother,
the colour of Roses and Wood, you will know
that it is still your path. 
The path that was woven for you, 
and also
The path that was chosen by you.

To discuss your own special knitted piece, please contact:  heidibearca at